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对老师的教学英文评价 篇1

The Effectiveness of Task Design in English Teaching


Using the task-based approach, teachers should specify the purpose of each task designed, but also consider the practicality of the task, feasibility. To enable students to obtain new information from the teaching of the sister within the teacher designed learning tasks, should allow children to jump, picking fruit, pay attention to the task should not be too easy, if the lack of challenging tasks, students will lose interest, but If too difficult, students daunting, that can not be completed, will lose self-confidence.

Here are some of the "task-based" teaching activities I have designed in teaching:

Task 1: After learning the names of hamburger, hot dog, chicken ... and so on, I use the form of questionnaire to let students use "Do you like ...?", "What do you like?" Sentence to ask other students, ask their favorite food, complete the form.

Task 2: I draw a few basic graphics on the black, such as squares, rectangles, circles, triangles, etc., draw the four lines below, and then let some students up in the favorite graphics add a few pen into another One has learned something, and in the four-line grid to write the English name of the item.

In the above two tasks, the purpose of design task 1 is to develop students' ability to communicate in English, and the purpose of task 2 is to cultivate the ability of students to observe, imagine and innovate. At the same time, we should also note that the task and the purpose of the correspondence is not one to one, and sometimes a more complex task can have several purposes at the same time, such as the purpose of task 1 may be memorized English food name, Is to practice using English as a short question and answer, or to learn to fill out the form in English.

Task 3: Game tasks. Like the game is the child's nature. With the knowledge of English to learn the game, of course, will be welcomed by the child. As I teach He / She likes "sentence, the design of a guess the game, I first find a student in a whisper way to tell me what color he / she likes, or what sport, or what toys, The students can learn

I like "sentence, and then let other students guess his / her preferences, students naturally used the He / She likes"

Task 4: Perform the task. Performing tasks best meet the characteristics of good performance of students, most students reflect the overall quality of English, by students. Einstein said: "All the activities of teachers are to develop students 'thinking potential, to stimulate students' imagination and creativity, to help students to be more open to the students, Good self-study, so that students feel that learning English is no longer a burden, is conducive to cultivating students interest in learning English. Performance in a variety of forms, including talk and talk, storytelling, performance and so on. For example, in the lesson of visiting the zoo, teachers can make each student to do a headdress worn on the head, the classroom will become an animal kingdom, which is a simulated situation, the students interested in the image of things, so participatory Very strong, very good."Hello, children! Where are you from?" The children vied with each other and answered: "Hello, children! Where are you from?

"I'm China." Then, I showed the world map for students to learn their own countries, the students immediately started a warm exchange, I asked the students to hold the World Children's Association in English. Through the "fraternity", the students not only to consolidate the new knowledge, but also enhance the friendship. Finally, we all together, "Global Travel", by the "small tour guide" to lead you to tour the world. The children play while learning, high spirits!

对老师的教学英文评价 篇2

In primary school English teaching, students should be taught to use English in the real communication context for language experience. This requires English teachers in the teaching of language materials and life to find the combination of points, create a real life scenes, so that students through the mouth, eyes, ears, hands, brain and other body parts to perceive the language learning; through the use of language Experience to experience the meaning of language and communication functions to promote the students can easily understand and master the language, but also to cultivate students' interest, active classroom atmosphere.

First, the design of teaching activities, learning experience in the natural acquisition of language knowledge.

"Successful foreign language teaching is to create more contexts and give students the opportunity to use the materials they have learned," says Linguist Krum. "So I pay attention to well-designed teaching activities that take advantage of multiple media Assisting teaching, creating realistic backgrounds as much as possible, enabling students to learn and stimulate students' communicative desire in a language environment that can be perceived in detail, and help students to experience the language more in classroom learning and help students achieve In the new situation in the free and creative use of language. For example, in the lesson "Elephant", I designed a tour of Thailand, the elephant to watch the scene, students in the multimedia courseware under the guidance, while enjoying the beautiful exotic scenery, while the experience of language knowledge:

This immersive experience accelerates students 'acquisition of language and deepens students' understanding of language knowledge. Then, with the sight of the tour, Depth and students to master the degree of language knowledge, they use in the scene and expand the language, to say creatively:

This kind of teaching activity has brought into full play the communicative function of the language learning, and has achieved the good teaching effect.

Second, the organization of English practice, in the experience of learning to activate language knowledge.

In practice, the teacher carefully designed open activities, students build the language of the stage, the new and old knowledge applied to different language scenes to enable students to experience, self-exploration, and continue to expand their own language information To achieve the real, flexible use of language, to explore the purpose of the practice of language. For example, when I was studying the new version of the Elementary English Clothes Unit, I designed a Fashion Show for students to encourage students to put on their favorite clothes while displaying: This is My students are really cool. Such as the language. During the performance I encouraged the students to add exaggerated and interesting movements, plus their own imagination to play, the students are unfettered, very happy. They are in a relaxed atmosphere, both master the use of language knowledge, and experience the fun of learning.

对老师的教学英文评价 篇3

First, a clear teaching ideas. Jiang teachers based on teaching content, the level of students in two aspects of the actual situation, set up communication scenarios, activities, scenarios, so that students in a specific scenario to complete the task set, with a strong practical and instructive. This is in line with the new curriculum advocacy teaching that students under the guidance of teachers, through perception, experience and cooperation, etc., to achieve the mission objectives, and better play the initiative and creativity of students. Such as: creating different scenarios, in the form of groups, role-playing activities in the form, so that students in the real language scenarios, the understanding of language, information transmission, the use of language, thereby improving the use of language for communication skills.

Second, the effective teaching methods. Jiang did not simply repeat the previous grammar content, the focus placed on grammar and lexical analysis, but focused on the practical application of language, such as the general present teaching. The teacher gives a topic, set the scene, group investigation to understand the companion's weekend life. This language activities close to life, help to improve the use of language knowledge and the formation of language skills. At the same time, around the teaching content of this lesson, the teacher cleverly set a series of activities in line with the students of the real scene, so that students participate in activities, which also fully mobilized the enthusiasm and creativity of students, but also provide them with a display platform and A sense of success.

Third, pay attention to individual exercises, individualized. Teachers for students the actual situation, taking into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of students and hobbies, choose close to the topic of life content, to carry out and student-centered teaching ideas. And in the process of teaching the English teaching content and emotional education effectively combine, which not only promote students to take the initiative, full of personalized learning, but also reflects the new curriculum standards advocated by the student-centered teaching philosophy.

Fourth, from the teacher's sense of speaking, teachers proficient in the use of English teaching, teaching posture teaching natural and generous, full of appeal, language, clear, accurate expression. But gold is not enough red, no one is perfect, in the teaching process should pay attention to the excessive use of mantra.

However, we can easily imagine that students in the real classroom, easy to learn knowledge and access to knowledge. All in all, this is a very successful language practice.

对老师的教学英文评价 篇4




对老师的教学英文评价 篇5

1、 你聪明活泼,顽皮好动,课堂上只要认真听课,总能很快掌握;作业整洁书写认真。但你有时不太珍惜时间,课堂听课效率不高,作业答对率有时偏低。你还没有充分发挥你的聪明才智,你还需要用你的刻苦和主动换取优异的成绩。人的一生总要学会拼搏学会用自己的双手创造美好的未来!

2、 你天性聪颖,思维敏捷,善于学习,成绩优秀;你大方沉静温文尔雅,是个人见人爱的女孩;你永远那么自信,嘴角总挂着胜利的微笑。但人生不可能是一帆风顺的。在你的学习过程中还会遇到困难,希望你能以更坚定的信念更饱满的热情投入到无垠的知识海洋中去,汲取更丰富的营养,完善自己的人生!

3、 自信和执着的女孩,为了心中的梦想,你坚忍不拔,奋力拼搏,从不退缩。哭过,笑过,迷茫过,可你不曾屈服过。你文弱中透露出刚强。在今后的学习中,你还要一如既往地努力,同时还要学习正确的方法,争取能更快更稳地到达目的地!努力吧,付出总会有回报!

4、 你性格内向,不善言辞,在紧张的一学期中,你明显加大了努力的力度,比以前更强投入了,也取得了明显的进步。但目前你的潜力还没充分发挥出来,聪明的你还可以做得更好!吾生也有涯而学无涯。请用你的勤奋和智慧为自己构建知识的大厦,营造更为美好的未来生活!

5、 你诚实守纪,待人随和,作业都能按时完成,劳动认真负责。三年来,成绩进步不是很明显,因为你缺乏坚强的意志,很容易受到外界的影响,没有明确的奋斗目标,任务观念严重。在今后的学习中,希望你树立信心,从基础做起,克服自身困难,抓住机遇,争取在中考中取得突破性进展,考上理想的高中!

6、 你聪明可爱,思维敏捷,学习成绩优秀;你团结同学,热心助人,尊敬老师,热爱集体,深得师生的喜爱;你好胜心强,乐观豁达,刻苦踏实,永不放弃。人生的风帆刚刚扬起,在今后的学习中希望你能提高对自己的要求,以更专注的态度和更雄健的脚步走向属于你的未来!

7、 你是一个懂礼貌识大体的男孩。你尊敬师长遵守纪律,关心集体爱护公物。你性格开朗,幽默风趣。平时能努力学习文化知识,积极参加班级活动。但有时由于没有调整好学习和休息的关系,课堂上听课效率不高,导致作业不能准确按时完成,并影响了成绩的进步。人生无难事,只怕有心人。只要你勇于挑战,胜利的春天必将到来!

8、 你表面上顽劣倔强,玩世不恭,内心却有着向善的愿望,你递交了入团申请书就是明证;你贪玩厌学,听课效率差,经常不能完成作业,对老师的批评教育不能诚恳地接受;你广交朋友却不分良莠。但我知道你其实对自己还抱有希望,因为你有时能诚恳地剖析自己,并表达自己的想法。人生旅程才刚起步,希望你树立人生目标,脚踏实地,一步一步走出自我的小天地,投入到广阔的大世界中来!

9、 你外表清秀却一脸冷漠;你渴望理解和关爱,却自私狭隘,容不得别人对你的真诚批评;你也曾豪情万丈,有过远大的抱负,但随着年龄的增长学习压力的增加,你渐渐淡忘了你的理想。你不思进取,顽劣倔强,常常做出出人意料的举动。如今,你即将初中毕业,真诚地奉劝你融入到社会大家庭中来,感受别人的帮助和关爱,并学会回馈和感恩!

10、 你活泼大方却又温文尔雅,尊敬师长,团结同学;课堂上能够认真听讲,作业能够按时完成。但当我看到你遇到困难时紧锁眉头时,我和你一样焦急;当你因解决难题而露出笑容时,我一样为你高兴。You are not alone! 所以,虽然你在理科的学习上有时显得力不从心,却没有彻底放弃,你在努力为自己创造进步的机会。用你的汗水和智慧奋力拼搏吧!祝福你中考中取得新的进步!
