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六一晚会主持词英文版 篇1

Good evening:


Us: the warm sunshine, attractive flowers, smile of joy, excitement in the chest, joyfully sing in the grass The children, with the bell of June, we ushered in the annual "June 1" children's day. Children is the most happy year, most looking forward to the day.

June is the season of singing;

(male) birds fly freely in the wide sky, and their songs are especially crisp and happy today;

June is the season of dandelion;

(male) flowers in the sunshine, smiling face, revealing fragrance;

June is an attractive season for green apples

June is the season of flaming pomegranate flowers

We are here to celebrate our holiday and celebrate 61

On this special day, our hearts are filled with gratitude.

(male) let's work together!

Let's forge ahead together!

Together, create a better tomorrow

(female) I declare that east liang kindergarten "61" artistic confluence - now

The future may be a little further for us, but what we're learning now is all about preparing for a better future. So welcome to the class with a warm clam. "hey, my dream."

(female) : please enjoy the song and dance "little mouse" by xiao class.

(male) : thanks for the children's heart singing, the following program should be more powerful. Let's invite the children of middle class to bring energetic "go on the gas".

(female) : after enjoying a dynamic dance, let's walk into a lotus pond with our children. Please enjoy the moonlight in the lotus pond.

(male) : I come to be a mother, I come to be a father, please appreciate small class song and dance "play house".

(female) : a year ago, they also inseparable from the mother's arms, today, they are in the clearance of the teacher, gathered the footsteps of confidence, please enjoy the dance performed by the student. "I am really good."

(male) : we are the spring of our motherland, we are the hope of the motherland, please enjoy the dance "I love Beijing tiananmen"

(female) : grandpa always said that this time change is fast, even play toys are updated with technology. Please enjoy the big class dance "toy dream"

(man) : what should we do in our lives when we meet strangers? Now see GSM children bring you dance. "I don't take your bait of large end: today's children, is our army of children in our kindergarten for the last time, three years of time, let us from babble to going into primary school, have a good, have a happy, here is my childhood, my first teacher, with I grew up together, study together, a play of partners, my childhood thank with your company, please welcome of large lang recite all students graduated from the poem".


The sun of the new century is ours,

New century flowers are ours.

(man) : dream up, let her shine in the future sky.

Step on the earth, let the child fly in the spring breeze.

Thank you teachers and parents for our hard work education and training!

The time of happiness is always too short.

(female) : happy days are always in such a hurry!

(male) : east beam nursery school celebrates "61" the art of the performance to end

Finally wish everyone: good health! Happy every day!

六一晚会主持词英文版 篇2

Dear parents, dear children

How do you do!

June 1 children's day, belong to our holiday, and came to the us. Ripples in kindergarten we hear the song, will tell you, how happy we are, because we have our own festival.

Children's songs are beautiful, children's songs are sweet, and children's children are happy, wish our children singing and dancing in a happy and wonderful smile, healthy growth, in this happy day, wish all the children: happy holidays!

Words cannot express passion in my heart. Let us to talk to the motherland mother with beautiful songs and dances, to the teacher, the elders of the infinite deep feeling, today our topic is: I am healthy, I am happy; The six talent show now begins!

First, please speak to li yuan.

Music can not only enrich children's life, but also promote the development of intelligence, cultivate people's sentiment, and the children of large class bring the chorus >

We are the descendants of the dragon, the dragon brings us auspiciousness, we also came to the kindergarten today several small dragon, please enjoy the performance of small class children

I am healthy, I am happy, we are all healthy babies, watch them start doing the radio exercise again, please enjoy the group gymnastics in the middle class, < everyone to do the radio >

Next is the little class kid's "mud doll >.

Tianzhu country children also want to together with our children, see them coming, please enjoy brought large performances < tianzhu girl >

Good lovely elf, they also came to our stage, please appreciate the honest children's talent show "the Smurfs >

Teacher li of the semester class also brought us "bing brother >"

The oriole bird has flown in with us six times.

The shoe is broken and the hat is broken.

The children in the middle class are the most athletic, the best, and they bring back the chairs.

The children of the big class are not willing to be shown weakness, they are not convinced, to bring the people to strengthen >

The joyful sound of the screw is the middle class children to bring to everyone, see how happy they are playing,

The children of the term class bring you the same blessings. Please enjoy the words "you are my roses"

I am healthy, I am happy, the children's heart kindergarten liuyijie is finished, thank you for your parents' presence and guidance, I wish you all the best in your work, and happy family!

六一晚会主持词英文版 篇3




1、鼓舞《中华好娃娃》 世纪之星幼儿园 红小施河校区 指导老师:王杏 曹清




卢 :尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾。

小1、 2合:亲爱的小伙伴们:

合 :大家好!

杨 :为庆祝“六一”国际儿童节,展现全区少年儿童的快乐生活,淮安区关工委、教育局、广播电视台联合举办了20xx“翔宇海棠广场”淮安区第二届“快乐的淮安娃”六一文艺晚会。

卢 :这次活动得到了区四套班子领导的亲切关心和有关单位的大力支持。在百忙之中出席今天活动的领导有,徐子佳区长,区人大蒋必海主任,区政协王国权主席,区委董国喜副书记,区委、宣传部于明星部长,区委、组织部纪明珠部长,区政府谈效艳副区长、胡金浪调研员,区关工委主任王秀珍,欢迎各位领导的到来!

杨 :今天应邀参加晚会的嘉宾有江苏恒袆(辉)集团董事长、曙光双语学校创办者、江苏国鼎房地产董事长徐正宝先生,正在积极筹备上市的施河教学玩具龙头企业江苏喜洋洋科教公司总经理郭荣先生,我们淮安商业航母——金地商业广场副总经理郑建辉先生,还有我们中国人寿淮安区分公司副总经理孙从兰女士,欢迎你们!

卢 :首先让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎------ 讲话————


杨 :谢谢----------精彩讲话和衷心祝福!下面请大家欣赏精彩的少儿文艺 1




3、舞蹈《追梦》翔宇幼儿园 指导老师:徐昕雅 孙梦蕊 王璇

卢 :童年是美好的,童年有着五彩斑斓的梦,让我们在这多彩的梦里穿上帅气的军装,显现英姿飒爽、威风无比的精气神。瞧,一群神气十足的小小女兵,踏着整齐的步伐来了!请欣赏翔宇幼儿园的舞蹈《追梦》。

4、舞蹈《吉祥》 白马湖中心小学

卢 :美丽的草原,我的家。今天,我们相约在草原的歌声里,共同欣赏美丽草原的绮丽风光,真情讴歌美好的生活,用歌声充实我们幸福的心田。请欣赏由白马湖中心小学带来的舞蹈《吉祥》。

5、舞蹈《祖孙乐》 红小幼儿园(时长4分30秒,23人)

小2 :孝老爱亲,自古就是中华民族的传统美德,这不,今天就有一群可爱的弟弟妹妹,他们来到敬老院,要和敬老院的奶奶来一次联欢,为奶奶洗脚,和奶奶游戏。请欣赏由红小幼儿园带来的舞蹈《祖孙乐》。

6、舞蹈《为中华崛起而读书》 红军小学 陈 蕊 陈晓云 郭媛媛

杨 :他们继承周读书救国志向,传承精神。他们携手共进,刻苦学习,将自身的发展和国家的命运紧紧联系在一起,努力拼搏,让我中华腾飞于世界。请欣赏红军小学带来的舞蹈《为中华崛起而读书》。 杨 :观众朋友,为了促进我区少儿艺术教育蓬勃开展,同时也为了给本次晚会输送精彩的节目,主办单位组织全区各中心小学及幼儿园进行了新节目的创作排练,并分片举行了四场集中展演,本场晚会的节目,都是经过认真选拔而产生的。经过组委会评选,共有八家单位获得了本次活动的组织奖,另外还对各参加展演的节目评出了奖次,请获奖单位会后到后台领取奖匾和奖状。

7、大合唱《八只小鹅》 《水乡外婆桥》 区实验小学

小2 :鹅鹅鹅,曲项向天歌,一首熟悉的古诗,道出了人们对鹅的喜爱,今天哪,我们的现场也来了一群可爱的小鹅,嘎嘎嘎!来到水乡外婆桥,它们将为我们演绎一首童话物语!请欣赏由区实验小学的伙伴们带来的合唱《八只小鹅》和《水乡外婆桥》。

8、舞蹈《校园雨韵》 曙光双语 指导老师 谭颖 表演人数24人

杨 :合上双眸,聆听一丝细雨的清韵,张开双臂,拥抱几抹碧绿的温柔。菁菁曙光,秀丽学子,《校园雨韵》,追寻花季雨季的那份美好。

9、情景剧《夜 趣》 新安幼儿园 参加人数:17人 时长:5分06秒 指导老师:余丽佳 解静文 胡娜娜

小1 :下面这个节目啊,是我们熟知的猫和老鼠的游戏。在一个寂静的夜晚,狡猾的老鼠想喝上猫咪看管的“油”,可聪明的猫咪会让它们得逞吗?它们之间又会发生什么滑稽的故事呢?请欣赏新安幼儿园带来的情景剧《夜 趣》。

10、傣族舞《快乐的孔雀》 席桥中心小学

杨 :五十六个民族,五十六朵花!傣族,可谓是大西南的一支独秀!幽静的竹楼,欢乐的泼水,还有舞动的孔雀!现在,一群身着傣族服饰的姑娘将出现在我们的眼前,给我们带来了圣鸟开屏般动人的韵律!请观赏席桥中心小学的傣族舞《快乐的孔雀》。

11、表演唱《逆战》 淮安曙光双语学校 指导老师 孙惠 表演人数4人

卢 :青春的狂想,是生命旋律里最闪耀的音符。请欣赏淮安曙光双语学校带来的表演唱《逆战》。

卢 :观众朋友,在本场晚会节目选拔过程中,区广播电视台《活力星星秀》栏目组启动了“才艺之星”发现之旅,通过栏目微信公众号等平台,发动社会公众投票、评选,最终产生5几位最出彩的才艺之星。我们将通过《活力星星秀》栏目、微信公众号和台门户网站进行公布。

12、舞蹈《飞跑的时针》 区实验小学

小1 : 古人云:一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。古人又云:若使年华虚度过,到老空留后悔心。珍惜时间吧,让我们一起跟随时钟飞奔起来!请欣赏区实验小学的舞蹈《飞跑的时针》

13、淮剧《梨园秀》 (新安玖珑湾学校)

杨 :飞跑的时针,瞬间流逝,希望小朋友们都能珍惜时间,好好学习。下面这个节目啊,让我们来欣赏新安小学新区分校一段戏曲表演。瞧,他们来了!

14、舞蹈《和谐阳光》 红军小学 指导老师 陈 蕊 吕明珠 陈晓云

卢 :阳光下人人亲如一家,家家安宁祥和,跳舞的孩子们,张张笑脸都洋溢着幸福欢乐,他们共同沐浴着明媚、和谐的阳光,把爱汇集在一起,共同建设富饶美丽的伟大祖国。请欣赏红军小学的舞蹈《和谐阳光》。


杨 :尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,

小1、2 亲爱的小伙伴们:

卢 20xx“翔宇海棠广场”淮安区第二届“快乐的淮安娃”六一电视文艺晚会就要和大家说再见了!让我们明年再见!!

合 再见!!
